Job offers at TCT Tesic GmbH
TCT Tesic has started as a small one-man company and is now a leading dealer and service provider of used foundry equipment. The reason for our success is not only due to the vision, ambition and effort of our founder but also due to hard work and dedication of our employees, who made the company what it is today.
Due to these qualities of our employees, we are able to cater to the global foundry world with our excellent services, resulting in steady growth of TCT. We are continously looking for skilled and motivated people who would like to participate in the companies success and help moving it further ahead.
Below are our current job offers.

Foundry Marketing Sales Representative (m/f)
Sales representatives wanted for: Russia / CIS countries, Poland, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Scandinavian countries, South-East Asia, South-America (except Brazil)
Your tasks
Marketing & sales of used foundry plants, customer relations and project support. Getting in first contact with customer, providing customer consultation and later on handling the project organization and monitoring.
Your profile
You are a sales professional in the metal/foundry industry who is sociable, works independently and who is willing to travel around the country.
Our offer
We are offering a pleasent and flexible partnership with a proper remuneration, freedom of action within your sales activities as well as full support of our management.
Your application
If our requirements are suitable for you and if you are willing to support us and our vision, then we are looking forward to your application.
For further information please contact us.
Mr. Darko Tesic
Tel.: +49 2371 7726-0
TCT Tesic GmbH
Kalthofer Feld 19
58640 Iserlohn